Pyke & Associates

Nov 3, 2022

Please leave me my inheritance in a trust

2022-12-15T21:10:31+00:00November 3rd, 2022|Tags: , , |

Trusts are commonly used in estate plans to leave assets to minor children, incapacitated beneficiaries, or spendthrifts.  To avoid the expense of guardianship for a minor, a trust is a necessary part of the estate plan for that beneficiary.  Trusts are used for young adults because although the legal age of majority in Texas [...]

Sep 27, 2022

Who Should Pay the Property Taxes on a Decedent’s Property?

2022-09-27T19:36:21+00:00September 27th, 2022|Tags: , , , , |

When a loved one dies, and they own the home or other land, the taxing authorities are going to look to who they can send that tax bill to.  If they send you the bill, should you pay it?  You should pay it if you've been appointed the executor or administrator of the estate, or [...]

Sep 20, 2022

Can I Avoid Probate by Having Right of Survivorship Agreements and Beneficiary Designations?

2022-09-20T05:22:32+00:00September 20th, 2022|Tags: , , , , |

There are so many ways to transfer assets upon someone’s death.  Texas now permits virtually all property, real property and otherwise, to be transferred by a right to survivorship deed or agreement.  Tax deferred accounts such as IRAs and 401Ks can be transferred by beneficiary designations.  Life insurance policies have always had beneficiary designations.  Bank [...]

Sep 15, 2022

Do You Have an Unfunded Revocable Trust?

2022-09-15T20:38:06+00:00September 15th, 2022|Tags: , , , , , |

A Revocable Living Trust is a useful estate planning tool that solves problems for some people, including the ability to avoid probate when probate might be excessively cumbersome or expensive. The trust avoids probate if all the trust maker’s assets are transferred into the trust prior to death, so that the trust rules determine what [...]

Sep 6, 2022

What to Do if My Inheritance is Being Stolen from Me?

2022-09-15T20:36:02+00:00September 6th, 2022|Tags: , , , |

If you are a beneficiary of an estate, but you have not received your inheritance, you may rightfully be concerned whether the executor or administrator of the estate is ripping you off. What can you do? If the administrator or executor has not been finally appointed, but has merely filed an application, it might be [...]

Aug 31, 2022

What are the Common Factors Leading to a Will Contest?

2022-08-31T17:10:58+00:00August 31st, 2022|Tags: , , , , |

Nobody wants to see their estate plan contested upon their passing, so can you tell in advance that your plan is likely to be contested? What most people think of as a Will contest is a disgruntled heir who receives substantially less than others contending that the Will is totally invalid. Unless you have made [...]

Aug 25, 2022

Should I have a Family Meeting to Discuss My Estate Plan?

2022-08-26T13:58:25+00:00August 25th, 2022|Tags: , , |

Once you have completed your estate plan with your attorney, should you have a family meeting? In most cases, it is probably a good idea talk with the persons you have appointed in the various roles. You should have appointed a financial agent, a medical agent, an executor for a Will, and possibly guardians [...]

May 19, 2022

Death and Property Taxes

2022-08-17T19:56:15+00:00May 19th, 2022|Tags: , , |

Spring is in the air, so what is that foul odor?  Could it be the stench coming from your property tax reappraisal?  It is true that death and taxes are inevitable, but property taxes are particularly inescapable.  Somehow, someway, somebody is going to pay the property taxes on your house or other real estate. Property [...]

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