Pyke & Associates

Feb 2, 2021

What is ‘Step Up’ Basis and Am I Going to Lose It?

2022-08-17T19:56:24+00:00February 2nd, 2021|Tags: , , , , |

Estate Tax Planning in a Biden Presidency (part 4) The Biden proposal to eliminate a step-up in basis is radical and dramatic.  Being both radical and dramatic substantially decreases its chance of success in the legislative process, but what are the "step-up" basis rules?  To read about other parts of his proposal, see our prior [...]

Jan 25, 2021

Can I Lock In the Current Estate Tax Exemption?

2022-08-17T19:56:24+00:00January 25th, 2021|Tags: , , , , |

Estate Tax Planning in a Biden Presidency (part 3) As we have been discussing (see links to part 1 and part 2), those in the “donut hole” (an estate between $6 and $11 million per person or $12 to $22 million per couple), might consider estate tax planning. An obvious question is, can you take [...]

Jan 20, 2021

Are You in the Donut Hole?

2022-08-17T19:56:25+00:00January 20th, 2021|Tags: , , , , , |

Estate Tax Planning in a Biden Presidency (part 2) In my memory, donut holes are delicious!  But when you are in the “donut hole” it isn’t a good thing. Who knows why? You should be most concerned about the impact of a Biden Presidency on estate tax planning if you are in this “donut hole”:  [...]

Jan 12, 2021

What Does a Biden Presidency Mean for Estate Taxes?

2022-08-17T19:56:25+00:00January 12th, 2021|Tags: , , , , , , |

Estate Tax Planning in a Biden Presidency (part 1) To begin with, let’s NOT talk politics!  But reality is, we are in the process of changing  administrations, and possibly a change of control of the Senate.  The November election has raised the very real possibility that a new tax act will be proposed by [...]

Jan 5, 2021

What Are You Waiting For?

2022-08-17T19:56:25+00:00January 5th, 2021|Tags: , |

David Pyke with Pyke and Associates here, I have two things to say to you today.  First, Happy New Year! And do we mean that now this year more than ever. We all wanted to see 2020 go in our rear-view mirror and I’m especially happy for that. The second thing I have [...]

Dec 22, 2020

What is Estate Planning?

2022-08-17T19:56:25+00:00December 22nd, 2020|Tags: , , , |

I was talking to a friend recently who innocently confessed that he just didn't understand what I meant by "estate planning."  I guess, like other attorneys, I take for granted that people understand what we mean by estate planning.  Simply put, what I mean by estate planning is planning for the eventuality of death and [...]

Dec 15, 2020

Is Guardianship Always Expensive?

2022-08-17T19:56:26+00:00December 15th, 2020|Tags: , , , , |

If you've ever known a family that had to create a guardianship, you may have heard that the expense was extremely high.  It definitely can be.  Guardianship is a complex process requiring the court to involve multiple attorneys that are highly trained to find the best solutions for someone who is mentally incapacitated.  So, guardianship [...]

Nov 24, 2020

When is the Best Time to Consider Medicaid Planning?

2022-08-17T19:56:27+00:00November 24th, 2020|Tags: , , , |

There is a “goldilocks” time to do Medicaid planning, but it can be a wide range.  You can be too young, but you can also be too late. An ideal time to consider Medicaid planning is after retirement (unless your idea of retirement is 90!), especially if you have stable income and expenses.  In almost [...]

Nov 17, 2020

What is the Purpose of Probate?

2022-08-17T19:56:27+00:00November 17th, 2020|Tags: , , , , |

Probate sounds like a nasty thing that your family is trapped into when someone dies.  Probate can be difficult and expensive, even when there is no dispute, in some countries and some states.  Luckily, Texas has very modern, streamlined probate rules.  But why do we have those rules at all? Probate is the process of [...]

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